What we use
Hyst technology can treat all types of plant material including waste from agro-industrial processing activities.
The first experimentations focused on bran and cereal straws for two main reasons: they are easily available in many African countries and they have a high content of essential macro and micro-nutrients. From bran, in fact, we can obtain a food flour high in protein, vitamin and mineral content which is of great benefit in contexts of under-nutrition and malnutrition.
Residues from cereal crops
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Rice straw and husks.. Rice straw is one of the most abundant waste products in the world; it is used as bedding in stables and as an ingredient of very little value for animal feed. With Hyst processing, we can obtain a very nutritious feed for ruminants as well as energy, in particular biogas. These very same products can be obtained from husks, which at the moment are simply burned.
Rice bran.. Bran generated from the ‘whitening’ of paddy rice is used either as a base for oil extraction, by means of solvents, or as animal feed. By treating rice bran with the Hyst system we can obtain a flour rich in proteins of high biological value – particularly suited for children – as well as bioactive compounds (tocopherols, gamma-oryzanol, polyphenols). |
We are planning tests on the following materials and on materials which will be submitted to us by interested parties:
Residues from fruit harvesting and processing industry
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Pineapple waste.The harvesting and processing of pineapples produces a large amount of waste, which is generally lost in spite of being a valuable source of dietary fibers, rich in antioxidants. Pineapple waste also contains bromelain, which is widely used in the food, supplement and cosmetic industries. In addition to these valuable products, nutrients for animal feed can be extracted from the residues of this fruit, while the more fibrous and therefore less digestible parts can be used to produce energy, such as biogas. |
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Banana waste (sweet banana / plantain banana). Peels, which make up about 40% of the total weight of fresh bananas, cause many environmental problems in those regions where industrial processing of this fruit is more developed. With Hyst treatment, the peels – as well as the leaves which are very rich in protein – can be turned into animal feed, easy to store and rich in micronutrients. The woody parts can be used, instead, for the production of energy. Even very ripe fruits, which are no longer marketable, represent a great quantity of waste. From these fruits it is possible to produce a flour for human nutrition rich in antioxidants (phenolic compounds and flavonoids), vitamin A, vitamins of the B Group and iron. |
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Mango waste.The processing industry of the African mango (Irvingia Gabonensis) produces a large amount of waste, especially seeds and peels, which account for 30-50% of the whole fruit. These wastes, rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Beta Carotene, can be turned into animal feed and into vitamin and fiber supplements for food markets. |
By-products of cotton production
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Cotton stalks and cotton gin waste. Cotton stalks represent a great quantity of waste that, because of their highly lignified structure, have no practical uses and are often burned on site. Similarly, also gin waste has no commercial value and, in addition, the large amount produced in the machining process creates several disposal problems. Hyst makes it possible to extract from the woody structure of these residues the nutrients needed to manufacture products suitable for ruminant feeding. The remaining part is particularly suitable for the production of biogas (hence electricity) or pellets of solid fuel. |
Invasive plants
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Water hyacinth.The water hyacinth is an invasive plant native to South America, introduced by man in Africa. Because of its high resistance capacity and fast growth, the water hyacinth is causing many problems, including the reduction of fish populations, and the clogging of waterways and irrigation canals. However, due to its high protein content, if properly transformed this plant could become an important resource from which to obtain feed for ruminants and fish. The Hyst system can also increase the amount of biogas obtained from the water hyacinth, transforming this invasive plant into an important resource for food and energy. |